Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Hello everyone! Sorry its been a while since I posted last... I kept meaning to, and then forgot to, and then realized i might as well wait until our next ultrasound! I'm sure i could have come up with something to write about in the meantime, but every thing's been pretty hectic lately!

SO... now the big news!! We went and had our ultrasound this week, and our wishes came true!! We are having just what we were hoping for, A BOY!! David and I are both VERY excited! We cant wait to have a taste of having a girl AND a boy, and and how different they are! I am about 19 weeks now, and almost half way through this pregnancy! So far the baby is perfectly healthy, and all of the test results have been good!! So, all in all, everything is going very well, minus the almost constant nausea and migraines (which are slowly getting better!). We are just so pleased that the baby is doing well and is healthy! We still haven't decided on a name yet... We want something strong, yet something original that you don't hear too often, but we haven't had much luck finding the right one yet! So if anyone has any ideas, let us know!
Cadence is handling the pregnancy pretty well so far. She likes to kiss and rub my tummy from time to time and talk to the baby a little bit! She also likes to try and feed the baby by shoving kix and cheerios into my belly button, and saying "here baby!" But other times, I'll try to get her to say hi to the baby, and she gets mad and says "no baby!" So, shes back and forth with it sometimes! Other than that, Cadence is doing very well! She's starting to talk a lot more, and can actually put 3-4 words together to make a small sentence. We are currently trying to teach her colors and shapes, and she can usually count to five! She also loves to sing, and even tries to conduct music! She is just amazing!
On another note, David will be receiving the Melchizedek priesthood very soon! He's excited and slightly nervous about it! So, we are doing well for the most part! Money is always tight, but whats new?! That seems to be every one's life story these days! We are starting to get slightly nervous with this next presidential election coming up... we really hope the right man wins, or we're going to have to pack up and run for the hills in Canada!

David and I recently discovered that we are amazing pumpkin carvers!! We bought a few pumpkins for Halloween, and had such a fun evening carving them together! We literally spent like 2 and 1/2 hours!! My pumpkin is the one eating a smaller pumpkin, and David's is the one eyed, one eared scar faced one! This will be Cadence's first trick-or-treating experience! She is going to be Sleeping Beauty for Halloween, because that's her new favorite movie, and shes just such a princess!! I will be sure to post some pictures of her in her costume soon!